17 Di Jul | 2018

Doors open: 18:00

presented by PSI2 & ARENA WIEN

18:00 Einlass
19:45 That 1 Guy
20:45 EELS 

Wichtige Info für Open-Air-Besucher: Bei Schlechtwetter ist es
nicht gestattet, Regenschirme mit auf das Arena-Gelände zu bringen!
(Verletzungsgefahr, Sichtbehinderung)
Mitgebrachte Regenschirme müssen ausnahmslos am Eingang abgegeben werden und können erst beim Verlassen des Geländes wieder abgeholt werden. Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass es bei der Abholung zu längeren (bis sehr langen) Wartezeiten kommen kann! Um das zu verhindern, empfehlen wir anstelle von Schirmen Regenjacken mitzubringen.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis

Tickets sind ausschließlich online hier verfügbar:

Arena Wien: tickets.arena.wien/at/Events/61546
PSI2: psimusic.com/at/eels

„The Deconstruction“, our first album in four years, will be released on April 6th. We could do the usual record company “bio” about this new record, but, seriously...who gives a fuck? The world is a mess. This is just music. Music by someone who tends to believe that change starts in your own backyard. I’m just optimistic enough to believe that kind of thing can still help people.

It doesn’t have any answers, other than maybe that there is no answer, the dust never settles, everything is out of control, etc. But it offers this: you can make changes. Thus, you can change the world. Right?

Maybe if there’s anything we have any true control over, it’s how we see things. There’s a song about that here. The “our” of “In Our Cathedral” is the collective “our” — all of us. Your point of view. As the great Roger Miller once said, “You can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you’ve a mind to.” He said it better than I did.

The other thing we can do while everything’s such a mess is just try to be kind. Why not? We all have bad days, but why not put in the effort whenever possible? Nobody has it easy, however their story may appear from a distance. So why not try to be nice? Starting with yourself. That’s a nice change for the world right there. Good things will grow out of that. There are some songs along those lines here as well.

I’ve been through some stuff, but I’m no expert. I’m trying to dead reckon my way same as anyone. I’m really just talking to myself here, looking for what’s really there under all the defenses. But maybe it could help you too?

Or: Fuck all this jibber jabber and see if you like this new record!

Here are 15 new Eels tracks that may or may not inspire, rock, or not rock you. The world is going nuts. But if you look for it, there is still great beauty to be found. Sometimes you don’t even have to look for it. Other times you have to try to make it yourself. And then there are times you have to tear something apart to find something beautiful inside.
Best wishes on future endeavors,

That 1 Guy:

Vorverkauf/Presale € 44,-
Abendkasse/Doors € 45,-

Arena Wien - Open Air

Baumgasse 80
1030 Wien
